Safe,Efficient Penis Enlargement.
Penis Enlargement by traction device.
Welcome to SIZEWARRIOR.COM.I enjoy to make women happy and it is well known that they feel more secure with a bigger dick.I am Gustav Gilmore,the designer of the SIZEWARRIOR system and the founder of the Optimal penis enlargement systems company of which SIZEWARRIOR.COM is a branch.But I am not only the founder.I am first and foremost a satisfied client.My quest towards penis enlargement started very much like yours right now.We all want a large member and the sooner we get it the better,but because of the urgency of the need and the importance of the subject,an awful lot of dubious characters have developed a rip-off industry preying on people like yourself to make a quick buck.Almost all the products that you have seen including penis enlargement pills,penis pumps,so called penis enlargement natural exercises,penis stretchers and some penis weights hangers are an excellent way for their sellers to make money,but absolutely useless for you,the penis enlargement seeker.None of them work.Think about it : if people are ready to pay for any fairy tale told in a professional looking web site,so long as they have a penis that is smaller than what they want,selling something that really produces a large penis would only decrease the number of clients!
That is the reason of the lack of decency in the penis enlargement business.Only the darkest minds are able to imagine the dirty selling techniques that include the planting of apparently "free sites and forums" plenty of the most misleading and useless garbage imaginable cleverly crafted to make believe that for example the Jelq natural exercise would increase your penis size.Or that taking pills would make your penis grow,and so on.They are out there in a mission to confuse and mislead as many desperate people as possible for as long as possible,so that they can steal from them their hard earned money.They not only promote their useless merchandise ,but they also criticize and deny the fact that penis weights stretching is the only method that for thousands of years worked for those lucky enough to discover it.They will go out of their way to tell you that weights stretching is dangerous,that makes the penis thinner,an a lot of other lies,so that God forbid you should't use successfully the only method that works,and leave the pool of potential suckers.On the other hand some phony penis hangers providers (for example noose,straps,lace or sandwich like device based hangers)only care that their merchandise looks good and their websites look credible, and they sell hangers that slip and hurt under heavy weights used long enough(not 10 or 20 minutes a day)to generate real penis enlargement.After all they see themselves as selling adult novelty("a small and inexpensive toy or ornament".Dictionary definition).
It is my word,against theirs,but I believe that truth has a power of its own to open the eyes of those that are discerning enough ,and why not clever enough to see it in front of them.
And the truth of penis enlargement is that you ought to swim against the river and cross the fear barrier in order to find the right path to a large penis which in turn will lead you to a life very different from the one you are living right now.No tricks.No shortcuts.No easy ways out to get the job done.Mother nature made the process of penis enlargement self selective,to make sure that only those with the right character will finally make it.You do not have to be better or worse than others to succeed,but you need to be real brave.Cut the B.S.Do not follow the road of the many.Choose the gate that only the daring few will cross and show what you are made off.I can tell you a thousand times the truth,but are you able to comprehend and do you have the heart for it?
I discovered that penis weights stretching works when I saw in a National Geographic magazine a picture of a Sadhu Holy man from India hanging a heavy rock from his penis,which might have been by then over 10 inches long.Then it became my obsession and great goal in life to develop penis gravitational (heavily weighted) traction devices first of all to enlarge my own penis.It took me 3 years of research and trial and error to develop my first penis attachment to weights device,with which I gained 2 inches in 9 months achieving my most dear goal in life:to have a big penis.8 inches with a big hat and rock hard is the biggest penis there is.Anything under or over is small.
After my own success I decided to help people like myself or not that want to realize their full potential in life by getting their bigger dick.I started a web site to provide my penis weights system back in 1997 and never ceased to work on developing the most safe,comfortable and efficient means to enlarge the human penis by means of gravitational traction.The SIZEWARRIOR is the most advanced of my attachments of penis to a gravitational traction force(weights).The best penis weights hanger there is.
Fortunately for you,you do not have to walk in the dark with any do it yourself experiment,or fall pray of the phony hangers that is nothing else than gambling with the most important part of your body,and with your precious time.Instead you can get a complete system ready to go that even comes with a RESULTS GUARANTEE,which nobody else gives.
But now,let me tell you about the SIZEWARRIOR:
Here I sell penis weights hangers that allow heavy weight hanging for a big enough number of sets to increase your penis size. The reason my hangers allow real growth while other hangers(noose, lace, sandwich and vacuum hanger)don't is that my hangers are extremely comfortable and safe under heavy weights while the others hurt, slip or bleed. For example the noose hanger may seem comfortable while hanging 6 lbs of weights but with that weight your gains are minimal. Same thing with vacuum weights or lace or sandwich devices. At higher weights for several sets of 15 minutes each(for example more than 2 sets like 4 or 6 sets) those hangers slip/hurt/bleed. Therefore if you are after penis enlargement of 2 to 4 or more inches you cannot use the hangers offered somewhere else.
The reason why my penis weight hangers are so safe and comfortable is that they embrace the penis shaft all around having the largest surface contact with the shaft compared to those sold somewhere else and are hand crafted to ensure the right fit.
I supply 3 penis weights hangers: the flagship SIZEWARRIOR that comes in 3 different sizes covering all the initial penis sizes, The FOOTPLUS that comes in one size and is low cost still comfortable at heavy weights and the OPTIMAL system which is a pair of FOOTPLUS hangers ,one small and one large.
To give you an idea of the equipment we provide and the prices for them,here is our best seller:
The $149.99 SIZEWARRIOR Penis Weights Hanger With 8 lbs of hammerstone steel penis weights(not cheap painted weights),all the required accessories and Free USA,UK and Canada shipping.
For a limited time USA,UK and Canada delivery addresses only: if you order any system with 8 lbs you get 2 extra lbs of weights free of charge(10 lbs).We sell the SIZEWARRIOR hanger without weights for $85 and the FOOTPLUS hanger without weights for $48 both with free shipping anywhere.10 extra pounds of our excelent Hammerstone penis weights cost you $46 with free delivery to USA,UK and Canada addresses.
This is the SIZEWARRIOR HANGER in action or on its own:

To Order any SIZEWARRIOR Package CLICK HERE...
This is the FOOTPLUS HANGER in action:

To order a FOOTPLUS device CLICK HERE...
Now that you have a general idea of what we provide,the following discussion will explain the essence of why us and not the other guys:
The reason why NOOSE,LACE and SANDWICH(2 sided devices) HANGERS slip and hurt is because they engage the penis shaft on a PARTIAL EMBRACE or in other words only contact partially the surface of the penis shaft.
Therefore all the weight hanged is applied to only a part of the shaft's circumpherence and a smaller part of its length. My HANGERS :the SIZEWARRIOR,THE FOOTPLUS AND THE OPTIMAL(which is a pair of FOOTPLUS devices ,small and large)EMBRACE THE WHOLE SHAFT CIRCUMPHERENCE and MUCH MORE OF ITS LENGTH. The outcome is that the weight per square inch of contact is drastically lower with my hangers. That means COMFORT AT HIGHER WEIGHT with a much bigger NUMBER OF HANGING SETS AS REQUIRED FOR REAL PENIS ENLARGEMENT .
VACUUM HANGERS expose the penis head to air vacuum that will make it blister and bleed at the NECESSARY WEIGHT AND NUMBER OF SETS.
For a vast amount of further info about penis weights hanging read below or follow the links in the menu above.
The method used by the adult film starlets to achieve fast and substantial penis size enlargement is available to people of all initial penis sizes.The SIZEWARRIOR is a penis stretching device based on gravitational traction.The SIZEWARRIOR is the outcome of 10 years of penis enlargement device development practice and manufacturing know how,and the experience of thousands of users with all possible initial penis sizes,with a rate of success of over 85%.The SIZEWARRIOR is the most comfortable and efficient attachment of heavy weights to the penis (hanger) in the market today,designed by Gustav Gilmore,the leading designer and crafter of penis weights traction devices since 1997.It comes in 3 sizes which fit any initial erect penis size from 3 1/2 to 9 inches.The SIZEWARRIOR has been used by people with any possible initial penis size to increase penis length by 1 to up to 4 additional inches or more.The SIZEWARRIOR will also increase penis thickness,and increase non erect penis size in a matter of a few weeks.It will also help straighten a curved penis (peyronie's disease) to become normal.The SIZEWARRIOR has been checked and approved by a group of medical doctors,and is recommended by many others as a standalone penis enlargement alternative to surgery.The SIZEWARRIOR Is crafted in my own high-tech workshop and guaranteed against manufacturing defects for a lifetime.The purchasers of any complete package get a 6 months results guarantee.(If you use the SIZEWARRIOR for six months according to the instructions,and you do not achieve at least one inch increase in penis length,you are entitled to return the device(not the weights) for a refund that does not include shipping costs).Sales advice and lifetime free support are available by e-mail or by phone.
In the words of one of the SIZEWARRIOR users:
Testimonial: T.H.,45,computer programmer.
I want to thank you very much for designing, manufacturing and marketing the SIZEWARRIOR.Its use had an impact on my life that I did not deemed possible.I got a completely brand new self image.
Before getting my SIZEWARRIOR,I tried many other penis enlargement products and methods at no avail.I started with hand stretching,but I was not able to really produce a powerful stretch with my hands that would induce an increase in penis size.Then I tried a number of penis stretchers and extenders,only to discover that they could not provide a really strong stretch to my penis which would be instrumental to a real penis enlargement result.
To give you an example of the wreckless philosophy and resourcefulness of some of phony penis enlargement devices providers look at the vacuum based penis weights hangers:they look good,they smell good,but when you start using really heavy weights they will produce wounds in the tip of your penis head,and bleeding that want go away as long as you use the device.In other words the system cannot enlarge your penis and has been designed for the unique goal of separete the eager penis enlargement seeker from his hard earned money.They feel that to make money they need to sell something that looks fancy,not something that works.
Luckily I saw the SIZEWARRIOR.COM internet site,and gave it a try.
Boy,am I glad I did!The issue is that what did not work with a weaker tensile force,works with heavier force,and that is the bottom line:The heavy duty SIZEWARRIOR stretch is the only penis enlargement method that I used which really increased my penis size by over 2 ½ inches in length,paired with an increase in penis thickness and overall penis mass.
Society tries to tell you that penis enlargement is impossible,and that methods such as heavy penis stretching are surely painfull or harmful.Reality tells me that all those are no more than lies.Once I passed the quick and easy learning period,all my doubts and question marks vanished.I discovered that the use of the SIZEWARRIOR was very comfortable and extremely safe,because I always knew exactly how much force I was using,and periodically increased it in a safe and controlled manner.Very soon I discovered that I had passed the "social pressure test" and taken the right decision towards the fast and real penis enlargement I wanted so badly,and realized how lucky I was to choose the SIZEWARRIOR.
In less than one year I achieved the penis enlargement outcomes I could only dream about before.And believe you me: a larger penis changes your general outlook to life,and not only to your sex life.Please post this letter in your site so that all those that like me in the past are searching for a method to gain penis size,can see it and take advantage of the SIZEWARRIOR penis stretching device.The one and only system that really worked for me.
Signed: T.H.
Not every system based on traction will actually enlarge your penis.
Do not make the mistake to assume that any device or method based on traction will bring about real results.Those are the reasons why you must choose a dependable (no Noose,sandwich like or Vacuum based)penis WEIGHTS method,and not get carried away by methods that do not deliver real penis enlargement:
1-The attachment of the penis to the traction device must be comfortable and heavy duty(meaning take forces strong enough to produce enlargement).Devices based on any kind of noose at the end that is supposed to tie up the penis just under its head do not work because at tensions intense enough to produce penis enlargement real gains they let the penis slip out of their grip.This means that you have to use the device at a gentle tension incapable of producing real enlargement.Severe pain has been experienced while attempting to produce a stronger grip in order to increase tension intensity to a really working level,so much so that it becomes impossible by any means to increase the strength of the stretch so that it could actually induce penis enlargement.(This is true for all the penis extenders sold today in the market.Beware of fancy looking,yet useless gadgets!).
Similarly, stay away from attachments in which the penis profile is flattened by lateral compression (sandwiched by two flat or cilindrical pieces united with a screw or string as some home made devices are), or from attachments based on rubber wrapping,insulating tubing or Velcro.Velcro cannot connect confortably to your penis weight big enough to increase your penis size.You will be wasting your time because due to the discomfort created by those attachments you will not be able to apply traction forces strong enough, and to exercise long enough, to produce any real penis enlargement.Remember: a penis weights system must bring about results.Your precious time and energy are worth something too.Don't get involved with an attachment that doesn't have a clear record of safe results,such as any home made attachment,even if someone wants to give it to you for free!
2-All attachments based on VACUUM produce blisters that limit the amount of weight that can be used to a small weight, preventing the achievement of permanent penis enlargement.Remember,only heavy weights can produce measurable penis enlargement.From this point of view VACUUM attachments of the penis to weights are not any better than the traditional surgical tube (noose)attachment of the penis extenders that miserably fail to deliver inches.Particularly but not only traction methods that use vacuum devices that hold the penis mostly by the head,almost without holding the shaft area affected by surgery ,and have been invented and developed for after surgery use, do not work,because at weights big enough to produce real results,they bring about blisters and wounds in the tip of the penis head,turning the method itself useless as a standalone method of penis enlargement.The SIZEWARRIOR,because embraces the shaft of the penis directly(without using vacuum),and has been developed for use without surgery,gets a much stronger hold of the shaft,and can allow more intensive loads with comfort and safety than any of those methods by up to twice as much.In short: stay away from any weights method that uses VACUUM atachment to the penis because you will be wasting your time.Those that already tried know exactly what we mean.
The solution is to use the SIZEWARRIOR,
A heavy duty traction device by way of gravitational force,which attaches the traction force to the whole shaft of the penis,and by doing so dramatically reduces the traction per square inch in the penis skin and therefore allows a comfortable and safe work out which is heavy enough and its duration is long enough to bring about true,sizable and real penis enlargement. When you purchase the SIZEWARRIOR device, you get all the needed instructions for an effective,comfortable and safe gravitational penis stretching training that will lead to penis enlargement results.
For a limited time USA,UK,Canada delivery addresses only: if you order any system with 8 lbs you get 2 extra lbs of weights free of charge(10 lbs).
Some more information...
The SIZEWARRIOR is a weighted penis stretching device,that attaches to the shaft of your penis and distributes the stretching load evenly along the shaft,allowing therefore to use larger stretching forces than any of the other penis stretchers in the market.
The SIZEWARRIOR is also more comfortable than any of the other stretchers,which allows to use it for the necessary length of time and stretching force to deliver real enlargement both in length and girth.
The SIZEWARRIOR is backed by a lifetime guarantee of exchange for a new piece in case of manufacturing defects.
The purchasers of any complete package get a 6 months results guarantee.(If you use the SIZEWARRIOR for six months according to the instructions,and you do not achieve at least one inch increase in penis length,you are entitled to return the device(not the weights) for a refund that does not include shipping costs).
The SIZEWARRIOR can be used as a standalone penis enlargement method,or combined with any other routine or product used for that purpose.
The basic design of the SIZEWARRIOR device has been tested by thousands of individuals.In a survey among users it was found to be efficient(meaning instrumental to the achievement of an increase in erect length of over 1 inch in less than six months,with some kind of increase in girth too)by over 85% of the serious users.A use of heavy weights one hour a day,5 times a week,will lead to an increase of over 1 inch in length,and some increase in thickness in less than six months.Gains from 2 to 4 inches can be achieved in between one year and one year and a half.
The SIZEWARRIOR has been checked and approved by a group of medical doctors. The SIZEWARRIOR is recommended by doctors as a penis enlargement method of choice to enlarge the male organ and also to help with a curved penis(Peyronie's disease) because of its safety and efficiency.
Where other methods failed,chances are the SIZEWARRIOR will bring about results.
The SIZEWARRIOR comes in 3 sizes that cover all the possible initial erect penis lengths of the user,from 3 ½" to 9".Anybody can use the SIZEWARRIOR.
The SIZEWARRIOR comes in packages that are turn key solutions including the device,the accessories and the weights(nothing else needed to enlarge your penis for real),but you may also buy the device and accessories(without weights)for a lower price,and provide your own weights.
The SIZEWARRIOR is discreetly packed,delivered and billed without any external clue of the nature of the purchase.
SIZEWARRIOR.COM offers sales and support assistance by phone,e-mail or regular mail.
The SIZEWARRIOR is the most comfortable and efficient attachment of heavy weights to the penis (hanger) in the market today,designed by Gustav Gilmore,the leading crafter of penis weights traction devices since 1997.
If you have any questions regarding our products or our website,please do not hesitate to call us by phone,or send us an e-mail.
Those are our products...
The SIZEWARRIOR Penis Enlargement by traction device. Comes in 3 sizes and its price is $85 |
STEEL TRACTION SOURCE Custom Steel penis traction source. The 8 lbs package's price is $102,and the 5 lbs price is $79. |
Accessories Elements to ensure efficiency,comfort and safety. The accessories are included with the SIZEWARRIOR free of charge. |
Buy a package and save...
Complete Package 8 Lbs...
This package is adviced for men with initial penis size of over 4 1/2".It includes:
-One SIZEWARRIOR of the size of your choice. -8 lbs of our steel weights. -All the necessary accessories. -An instructions booklet with explanations and pictures. PACKAGE PRICE: $149.99(SAVE $50).
To place an order CLICK HERE...
Complete Package 5 Lbs...
This package is adviced for men with initial penis size of Up to 4 1/2".It includes:
-One SIZEWARRIOR of the size of your choice. -5 lbs of our steel weights. -All the necessary accessories. -An instructions booklet with explanations and pictures. PACKAGE PRICE: $130(SAVE $50).
To place an order CLICK HERE...
How to choose you SIZEWARRIOR size...
Those are the initial erect penis length ranges for each SIZEWARRIOR size:
-Mini from 3" to 5" -Maxi from 4 1/2" to 8" -Supermaxi from 7 1/2" to 9"
Aditional terms...
Shipping expenses apply for all products as follows:
Weights---With---Without Express----$48----$22 Airmail------$38----$14
If you want to buy an additional SIZEWARRIOR of any size to your original order of any package,the price of the additional device and accessories is only $60.
We ship by express mail(up to 7 days delivery) and registered airmail(up to three weeks),everywhere in the world,in discreet brown wrappings with no signs of the content of the package.Your credit card is discreetely charged by our merchant account agent with the word "Optimal".
To place an order CLICK HERE...